Saturday 12 January 2013

All you need is... a keen bean?


I was feeling on a dating high after myself and Amie’s night out and decided that saying yes to new opportunities (e.g. man-finding missions) is something that I fully intend to embrace in 2013 even more so than in 2012. Thus when I received a message from the man that I had met on our night out asking to go for a drink (let’s call him Pablo - that wasn’t his name, but it will hopefully conjure up images of a tanned, dark, Mediterranean man), I accepted.  

With the wisdom of hindsight I now appreciate that this may have been an incredibly naive decision. I genuinely thought it would be nice to meet for a friendly drink, have a quick ‘actually-getting-to-know-you’ chat, and leave it there, parting as friends. However, as soon as I laid eyes on Pablo, without my alcohol tinted spectacles, I knew that I didn’t fancy him. He still had the olive skin, pearly white teeth and luscious dark hair that he had when I first met him, but by hiding those good looks behind a pair of wire-rimmed glasses, weighed down with a heavy rucksack and clumsily going in for a kiss on the cheek, he didn’t set butterflies fluttering around in my stomach.

In addition, a friendly drink was clearly not quite what Pablo had in mind. He seemed determined to make this drink something much more meaningful. Within minutes of sitting down he had tried to kiss me (not on the cheek this time), and asked when he could see me again. Without wishing to be rude, I tried my hardest to dodge the question (and the kiss). As the evening went on, I tried to move the conversation away from further dates whenever I could subtly do so. I asked him questions about everything, ranging from his job, to his family, to his academic career (all very impressive I might add). When he persisted still, I reluctantly launched into the explanation that we lived in different cities and that dating each other was not really feasible. It didn’t work. To quote Pablo himself: ‘If you want to make something work, you will find a way’. Well, that was the catch - I didn’t want to make it work. I wanted a quick drink, a nice hello/ how are you/ goodbye, then parting to most likely never speak again (in keeping with the true romantic that I am).  

Eventually, after some extremely painful conversation changes and apparently unable to hold back any more, he blurted out, ‘I’ve never liked someone who doesn’t like me back before!’

Ah, well that’s awkward. Sorry Pablo, but that’s just the way it goes sometimes.

I’ve learned my lesson the hard way – don’t meet up with your one-night man unless you definitely want to see him again...and again...and again.

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