Tuesday, 11 December 2012

All you need is...a clear mission?


Amie and I have been somewhat separated in the last few months due (as previously mentioned) to me travelling the world and Amie’s blooming career. So it was only right that I went to stay with her this weekend for a much needed reunion. As we are partners in crime on the dating scene, this reunion wouldn’t have been complete without a clear mission in mind – namely to meet and (without sounding like a psychopath) ensnare a man.

The night started off well: we’d had some gin and tonics, I was wearing some faux leather trousers which I wasn’t quite sure about but eventually decided I could pull-off, and after a bit of x-factor accompanied pre-drinks we were ready to begin our night on the town.

We began our mission in a busy wine bar where I couldn't help noticing that a very tall, dark and muscular man was working on the door. Being in a city where a) I didn’t know anyone, and b) was showcasing my new lady-in-(fake)-leather look, I was determined to see if the situation could go any further. (Further than him opening the bar door and letting me through that is). I toyed with the idea of asking him outright if he was single, but decided against it for fear of sounding just a bit too keen. Suddenly I had a brainwave of magnanimous proportions: one of the waitresses was bound to know whether or not he was unattached, which would save me the embarrassment of trying to find out from him myself. I grabbed the attention of the girl clearing the table next to us.

‘Hi, sorry to bother you but I was just wondering if you know if the bouncer on the door is seeing anyone?’ I asked, inwardly congratulating myself at having such an excellent idea.

‘Erm, it’s a bit complicated actually,’ she replied. This didn’t put me off – I wasn’t planning on marrying the guy.

‘Because,’ she continued, ‘the two of us have actually been seeing each other for a while.’

My face dropped in horror – of all the waitresses I could have asked, I had to ask the one who was his girlfriend. I began apologising profusely, at which she assured me that ‘things were a bit up in the air’ and that she’d actually ‘been in touch with her ex’ recently. We then bonded a bit by chatting about how gorgeous he was, at which point she urged me to pursue him, but with probably a 99% chance of rejection I thought I’d give it a miss.

So, with that embarrassing and oddly convivial incident behind us we moved on to a different bar. And that’s where we ended up buying more drinks, doing some more dancing, and for the life of us could not remember the next morning how we got chatting to two charming Mediterranean men, and bringing them home with us for pizza, wine and um... a sleepover. 

Apparently the old fashioned approach of meeting in a bar is not so difficult after all. Once you’ve had a couple of glasses of vino that is.


Sunday, 2 December 2012

All you need is...that first date?


Apologies for the lack of posts in recent months. I've been travelling the world and Amie has begun her first proper grown up job: it turns out that these life events can seriously inconvenience the old blog postin'. But don't worry we are well and truly back on the blogging wagon.

So the really big news is that I finally took the plunge and went on my first ever online dating date. I saw this as somewhat of a milestone in the dating scale, as I must admit that I didn’t grow up envisioning that I would be online dating at the ripe old age of early-twenty-something. I had more of the ‘gorgeous, funny, intelligent man sweeps me off my feet’ scenario planned out in my head, but hey ho, as the saying goes if you want something done do it yourself. So I took control and arranged to meet up with Luke. A good looking (in his profile picture anyway) web designer from west London. Our date took place at a pub near my work (already scoring brownie points by trekking to my neck of the woods). Luke was indeed as handsome in the flesh as he was on screen. He was also an expert in wine tasting, and therefore choosing wine – excellent.

Now before I continue, I must confess that this date actually happened quite a while ago (before travelling the world got in the way of my blogging career) however, I came away from it feeling no urge to rush straight to my laptop to write down all the hilarious things that happened. Why? Because to be perfectly honest nothing hilarious, weird, or even particularly interesting did happen. I just had a really nice time (I know, how boring). A date of easy conversation and some very good wine. It led to a second date, which consisted of a night out at a Cuban bar with Amie and Luke's housemate. It was all looking very promising; maybe you're thinking - is this the real deal? Did Minnie find her perfect man? Is that the real reason for the recent dearth of fascinating blog updates regarding her love life? Well, fear not my friends because unfortunately for me - I just didn't FANCY him. He was lovely, and very nice, and funny, and charming. But for some reason there was just no spark there. No metaphorical crashing waves or heart beats racing at top speed. Not even a smattering of butterflies. Nothing. Do you know how I decisively came to this conclusion? Because I went to buy travel insurance the day after our second date, and the Australian guy who served me was so disarmingly attractive that I almost forgot where I was even going on holiday. It became horribly clear that the instant attraction I felt for him was utterly missing with Luke. This realisation led to many protestations from Amie ('But he's so nice, how can you not like him?' Look at his smile! He has such a good smile.) but I know that it is not to be. Although I may have found a new friend, I have not found a new boyfriend. And believe me, I am the most disappointed of all. 

Here's to the next date...


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We welcome all comments and suggestions, please contact us at amieandminnie@gmail.com